Emptying your gray and black water tanks is an important, if overlooked, part of the Airstream experience. 

Here’s an overview on how to properly drain your Airstream sewage tanks.

Firstly, nobody wants to empty their sewage tanks too frequently or infrequently. Emptying tanks when they’re about ⅔ of the way full is an ideal sewage release point that creates the best flow when dumping. Keep in mind that the more people you’re traveling with, the more often your sewage tanks will hit that ⅔ full point.

In each Airstream, there’s a control panel that shows how much waste is in your tanks. As you use your freshwater, it will either end up in your gray or black water tanks as you run out of fresh water. 

When pulling up to the dump station, keep in mind where your dump hookup is in relation to your axle, so you can optimally line up with the dump station and your sewer line. 

To start the emptying process, get the sewer waste tube out of its storage location. Most Airstreams have an easy hose carrier underneath the travel trailer near the sewer tanks. Now, remember to put your gloves on! Then take the cap off the sewer hookup. A small amount of residual drip when unscrewing is normal. 

Now seal the waste hose securely onto the sewer hookup. On the other end where sewage will be released, you’ll want to pursue as close to a right angle as possible for pumping your sewage into the collection hole. Many waste hose brands will come with an attachment that connects the hose at a right angle to the collection hole. 

When everything is attached, empty your main holding tank first, and then your gray tank so that the sewage hookup is cleaned out with gray water and not leaving as much stinky residue left from the black tank. Open your t-valve to release the main holding tank through the sewage pipe, then close the valve when finished and repeat on other tanks. 

If you’re using a black tank flush, re-open the black t-valve for the flushing process, and remember to close afterward. 

When you’re all done draining, make sure to lock your t-valves into place so they don’t spill sewage into the road when you drive away. Then untwist your sewage pump and hold the tube high to shake any remaining debris into the collection hole. Then you’re ready to go!

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